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BaBaDou DOT Com
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Saturday, June 7, 2008
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A word of warning about Egypt, we travelled a while back, long before the current status of Egypt, so perhaps much has changed, but during our trek to these dessert like cities, we learned a few things that might make a trip to Cairo or Luxor a little more comfortable.
Apart from the sand, undrinkable water, constant bartering, surreal broadcasted chants and "dry" heat. Egypt was an amazing experience. One I do not wish to repeat, but never the less a truly once in my lifetime opportunity.
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6/7/2008 11:24:57 AM
Some sample illustrations of Egypt Trip are shown below. & More ...
Two of us went, without a tour, on our own. perhaps this was our first mistake. This was our first experience in a Muslim culture - it was like a whole new world to us. Things I would recommend to anyone taking a trip to this dry - dessert culture, would be to do this as a tour.
We hired a driver who picked us up at the airport, obtained our visa's and remained our companion for our entire visit of Cairo. Again, things may have changed and perhaps the surrounding population may be different now as it was compared to then - but I would not recommend doing this trip as a do-it-yourself type of trip. We have trekked into a lot of different places, this was by far the most intimidating culture we have ever experienced. Having a driver or a tour to watch out for you, really makes a difference.
The driver recommended various sites which aligned well with our Lonely Planet guide - Got us into the Pyramids after hours on a horseback ride tour, we got to experience this while no one else was present and watch the laser show from on top of an adjacent hill top, this was a neat opportunity - he helped us explore the best and also unknown parts of the city - while also staying with us to ensure we boarded the right train to Luxor.
In Luxor, we were on our own; however, this city was less intimidating then Cairo. At the Valley of the Kings, store your camera away - if the "Tourist Police" even catch you with a camera while in a tomb - regardless if you snapped a photo (which I did, a lousy one at that), they will check. You can buy your way out of anything or pretend all you speak is Chinese. Beware of train station taxi approachers (in Cairo or Luxor) - they will claim they have a taxi waiting for you; however, they won't and will try to claim your hotel reservation is at a hotel that is out of business. When barters chase you down with a sale or a taxi stops traffic to pursues you for a ride - our best bargaining chip was to announce we would report them to a travelers police and instantly they would leave us alone. While at a site, avoid the Traveler Police at all cost - if they approach, they will point to a hieroglyphic which clearly resembles a chair and say "chair" - then extend their hand for payment.
The list can go on and on, but I don't want to discourage anyone from embarking on this opportunity, perhaps now is not the time with Egypt in their present state and perhaps the events occurring there will eliminate the extreme poor conditions of this region improving the travel conditions we experienced - overall, as I would recommend anywhere - be alert and aware. Proceed with a group or a tour and do your research beforehand.