- | eSchool Plus (Student Records) |
| o | Internally hosted website and core of nearly all student information |
- | eFinance Plus (Staff/Accounting information) |
| o | Internally hosted website and core of nearly all staff information |
- | Blackboard Academic Suite (Course/Teacher/Student and Enrollment Data) |
| o | Internally hosted website fed data from eSchool |
- | IVIS (Photo ID Bar-coding System) |
| o | Internally hosted application for photo taking, bar-code generating and ID printing fed data from eSchool |
- | Naviance (ACT/SAT/PSAT, etc.) |
| o | Vendor hosted website integrated via a data dump flat file transmitted via SFTP |
- | SIRSI (Library Cataloging System) [Retired and no longer used, replaced by Destiny] |
| o | Vendor hosted website integrated via a data dump flat file via SFTP |
- | Destiny (Library Cataloging System) |
| o | Internally hosted website fed data from eSchool, eFinance & IVIS |
- | WebSmart/WinSNAP (Cafeteria System) |
| o | Internally hosted website fed data from eSchool & IVIS |
- | EKTRON (Website Building and Hosting Application - Main Web Page) |
| o | Internally hosted website fed data from eFinance |
- | ListSERV (Distribution List Management System) |
| o | Internally hosted website fed data from eSchool & eFinance | o | Also developed website for creation of Custom Dynamic Distribution Lists based off eSchool |
- | Vertical Response (Distribution List Management System) |
| o | Vendor hosted website integrated via data dump and transmitted via an API provided by the vendor |
- | Blackboard Connect (Formally NTI, Phone Tree System) |
| o | Vendor hosted website integrated via data dump and transmitted via an API provided by the vendor |
- | Microsoft Active Directory/Google Apps EDU (Student Accounts) |
| o | Created a script to automate generation and maintenance of all student accounts in A.D. and Google Apps EDU fed data from eSchool | o | Creates/Updates/Moves/Disables accounts in A.D., | o | Sets/Updates Group Assignments in A.D., | o | Creates/Updates Permissions/Moves User Folder on File Server, | o | Generates/Disables Google Apps EDU account through Google Apps API |
- | Microsoft Active Directory Staff Information |
| o | eFinance populates information about staff into A.D. |